Dear Soul on the other side of the screen,
It’s an honor to meet you here. I am Susanne Mendoza. My friends call me Suz.
Welcome…to this circle of the web, this grace-full space and tiny insight into who I am and how we can work together.
As an international facilitator, embodiment coach, founder and creator of Electric Embodied Poetry® I specialise in somatic healing and soul~full conscious movement, to remember and restore sacred pleasure. In Love and safe space, it’s a privilege to support you remember the essence of who you are embodied.
With a gentle, nurturing, co-creative practice and thirteen years of experience guiding and working with hundreds of people across the planet, I offer support through conscious movement and somatic healing journeys + heart intelligent coaching + energy psychology + sensual and erotic discovery programs as a certified teacher trainer and facilitator.
In service to the recesses of the heart and the sanctity of the deep reservoirs of Truth and Pleasure within, I’ve worked with successful corporate leaders, artists, actresses, moms, daughters, teachers, doctors, authors, healers, entrepreneurs, speakers, families and various organisations committed to conscious personal responsibility and the power of the body’s inherent capacity to heal and create.
A little more about me ~
Blessed to live, travel, work and study in many different cultures and teachings across Australia, Europe, the USA, Asia, UAE and PNG, I feel most at home with the wisdom traditions and embodiment practices that orient us all to polish the Loving Truth (the poetry) within the land of our Heart. The sacred space in the scriptures under our skin that lovingly bind the separation we feel and connects us all.
I offer the philosophical, spiritual studies of my own Heart that have also come from my personal life experience in the areas of relationships, emotional and energetic healing, death and the transition of people closest to me I’ve loved dearly, health challenges and transformation. From those places in my own life where it felt like every fibre of my being and existence were ripped, disassembled into infinite pieces and then reassembled into greater integrity, I continue to fertilise those seeds of learning to grow and share the fruits of Love and compassion.
In other forms of exploration and service, I’ve worked to establish small business across various industries including executive search, and continue to deepen my interest in consciousness, neuroscience, mysticism and love of poetry.
I’m an introvert who is also an invitation maker and Loving truth guide. This means I enjoy my privacy but am also so happy in see-ing the willingness to Love and welcome new possibility in your eyes, in creating opportunities to circle up and dive deeper into ancient truth currents of the heart and in connecting to experience more Joie de Vivre!
My favorite place in the world is…my home. Italy. Fernando De Nehronia. Kauai. Anywhere there is a rose garden, roses, jasmine, gardenias. Giggling uncontrollably with dear friends. Whenever my body can’t not dance. The ocean and feeling the salty sand kissing my toes, the warmth of sun on my skin. In the exquisite words of Rumi, Hafiz, The Radiance Sutras. Serendipitous soul-full connection with Loving hearts in the unexpected. Helping others live what they want.
What I’ve come to understand is that the spiritual intelligence one seeks doesn’t source from a life alone in a mind that knows the familiar. It is remembered through an active engagement of faith, vulnerability, openness, gentility; in letting go and embracing uncertainty in the face of adversity. Surrender is a tender, inner relationship with your own heart and your Divine Spirit. It’s not your job to know the answer, but to create the conditions for Loving. To remember and open for a greater intelligence to bloom like the most magnificent flower, beyond what you can imagine. Love heals all.
As a Friend, I’m interested in space. The space between the molecules. In creating more spaciousness within. In welcoming space at the proverbial table for every body. No matter your experience, culture, belief system, this space is for those of you committed to living in integrity, connected to a deeper truth. For you wanting to take responsibility to create the life you care to experience and letting go of chaos. There is much honeycomb wisdom and sweet sweet nectar available for everyone when you summon that that serves the sacred inside of you and in the world.
Here is an invitation to BE the carrier of those higher vibrational potentials where you can see and experience an expanded awareness. Just like the BEEs, the eagles, the condors who can see above denser energies, you too can create space within to remember unlimited possibility. To vibrate, to see beyond. To live with unity consciousness, BE and feel the fluency of grace within your internal cathedral. This is the call to dance with greater perspective, with the gift of this life you’re choosing to live.
Spaciousness is life!
Neuroplasticity has proven that you really are the chooser; you have the power to turn off the limbic brain and stress response in your body, and turn on the neocortex (relaxation response). Consciousness, energy and energy fields influence your physicality. You can change your biology and your sense of reality with radical nourishment ~ by tuning into the power of your heart, creating space, moving and connecting deeply with your body and to pleasure, resourcing your breath, harnessing your emotions, shifting your thoughts and activating the currents of energy streaming within you to expand your electromagnetic field.
I invite you to lead with LOVE. I invite you to listen to and speak the language of your body, the melody of your heart to spark your art. I invite you to open to your body’s innate intelligence, to be in your sacred truth. I invite you to be in the freedom of your choice. I invite you to re-set the story that isn’t serving you. I invite you to re-establish that deep connection to the part of yourself that is both timeless and eternal, the part that never diminishes but only intensifies the more Loving attention you give to it. I invite you to create the life and relationships you want to experience.
If you’re seeking help and a place to feel held in safe Loving supportive space, if you’re ready to take clear kind and powerful steps to reclaim your body of life, let’s connect.

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