As an international facilitator, embodiment coach, founder and creator of Electric Embodied Poetry®, I specialise in somatic healing and soul~full conscious movement to remember and restore sacred pleasure. Here in unconditional Love and safe space, it’s a privilege to support you deeper on your journey to remember the essence of who you are, embodied.
The answers you are seeking are found in the deep respect and reverence for what is true for you. Let more space beckon you to action. Let’s dive into the space between the molecules. Let’s receive in more space. Together we work to create a field, a universe unto yourself where personal responsibility summons a higher template of Love for self and others, where those people and experiences you long for can meet you here, within.
As my own dear mentor has reminded me over, it is in spaciousness where sacred truth can enter and inhabit. Beyond the ideas of right and wrong, into your heart and an ocean of fluidity and grace.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”
~ Jalal Ad-Din Rumi
With a gentle, nurturing, co-creative practice and thirteen years of experience guiding and working with hundreds of people across the planet, I offer support through conscious movement and somatic healing journeys + heart intelligent coaching + energy psychology + sensual and erotic discovery programs as a certified teacher trainer and facilitator.
In service to the recesses of the heart and the sanctity of the deep reservoirs of Truth and Pleasure within, I’ve worked with successful corporate leaders, artists, actresses, moms, daughters, teachers, doctors, authors, healers, entrepreneurs, speakers, families and various organisations committed to conscious personal responsibility and the power of the body’s inherent capacity to heal and create.
I offer Loving, safe space to nurture all that is occurring for you and help you create the relationship, work in the world and life you absolutely Love. We slow down. Feel more. Move into deeper awareness and trust. We flow into the ocean of your heart’s desire. We connect your inner knowing; the pure, essential truth of who you are with what you want to create and express out into the world.
When you give yourself permission, take responsibility and make that decision to Love yourself enough to courageously express and create what is coherent within you, you also help each of us awaken, nurture and celebrate the truthful parts of ourselves that may have been dormant for a long time.
Life is a dance. And through conscious embodiment practices we remember our own inherent capacity to appreciate, create and enjoy the life we choose. To thrive in the Mystery. These programs are designed to let go of chaos, cultivate greater awareness and support you to co-create your inner and outer reality with the conscious language of your body, movement, belief systems and emotional artistry unique to you. You CAN experience the physical, mental and emotional vitality and Loving passionate life you want.
It’s a privilege to guide you embodied to be in the gift of restoring reverence. Here we acknowledge the mysterious depths that bring the unseen into seen, the agency of the sacred that lives within and allows you to translate the ineffable into art. My deep happiness is supporting you to give birth to the most joyful, turned on, creative and unlimited version of you.
If you’re seeking guidance, a place to feel held in safe, loving, supportive space; if you are committed to move into the body of life you want and are ready to start taking clear, kind and powerful steps to live this, let’s connect. Join me in remembering through any of the offerings above.

Definition: The action of helping someone, an act of assistance. Kindness, courage, integrity, humility, generosity. Ceremony, solution. To help. To Love. Active Love.

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