“It was the space within the body that allowed movement and growth.” ~The Spark in the Machine, by Daniel Keown
Are you on the cusp of an ending and a beginning?
Finding it hard to let go? To open? Are you noticing, feeling the contrast between the acts of love in your life and the call/cries for more love and nurturing?
It seems there is a constant dance of duality to be met each day in each moment: Yes, No. Pleasure, Pain. Give, Receive. External, Internal. Future, Past. Push, Pull. Space, Congestion. Conscious, Unconscious. Contraction, Expansion.
Let’s surrender and accept that love in its’ essence cannot be controlled. Release and let go of the contraction, the resistance, the tightness, the fear as we greet the next season of unknown!
Dr Vasant Lad describes “To say ‘YES’ means to allow a thought or circumstance to flower, to let go and expand. The trees say ‘yes’ to every season. When spring comes, they say “yes” and they flower. Then summer comes, they say ‘yes’ and become dry and thirsty. When fall comes, they say ‘yes’, change color, and are ready to drop their leaves. To say ‘yes’ means to surrender—to every thought, feeling and emotion. It means let go, and letting go is a journey toward the heart.”
You may be feeling uncertainty, grief, loss, insecurity as your heart desires to open to new life. Perhaps a new relationship, a new job, a new home, a new country, a new body, a new project, a new commitment to something different…Are you willing to allow the leaves to ‘drop’ from your own metaphoric tree (your be-ing), to experience the symbolic death of that old life; the old relationship, the old job, the old home, the old ways and belief systems that may have served you for a time in your life but may now feel like an old identity that’s too inadequate or small for what you are becoming?
To let go I believe, is to forgive. Forgive yourself first and foremost for the ways now outdated. The ways that were harsh and hard. The ways you expected so much. The shoulds, the woulds, the could haves….Forgive those who upset you. Forgive the challenges that felt all consuming and confusing. Reach as far as you can and swell into clarity, in true acceptance where you can say‘thank you for that experience.’ The alchemy in forgiveness is when you can know the gift in that challenge, when you can see and appreciate the love that exists NOW.
Find the way forward to create more space. To say YES.
To accept and transcend what has once held you back isn’t simply about rising above or getting to some other point, but is of the willingness in your heart to move through, to BE with this cycle of letting go and to give yourself permission to CREATE SPACE for the new. For rest, for growth, for renewal, for peace in your body, mind and soul.
I’m reminded as I write of the special seasons I’ve spent in the islands of Hawaii. The Spirit of Aloha encompasses love, respect, blessings, celebration. The embodied way that people move through life. They describe it as an ability to ‘soften the edges of all encounters.’
Hula is ancient dancing, Aloha in action. A story-telling dance of ancient gods and ancestors who traversed inner-life as we are now, who can help guide our way and soften what may feel hard. Movement where love, wisdom, reverence is transmitted through every part of a dancer’s body. A dancer’s hands can become raindrops or the ocean waves in her story telling for example… a true reminder that we are all interconnected, never alone. And that there is always more room in the journey to our heart to remember. To soften. To create more space. To relax.
You can’t miss your destiny,