“How can your feet bear to be still, when the music is so lush and inviting? You were made to move and grow, to love and flow. Even mountains change. Surrender the stodgy ways of the mind and become willing to dance to the great orchestrations of love” -Rumi Oracle, Alana Fairchild
Can you hear that? Can you hear the current of energy, life force, blood, source, running through your veins? Can you hear the sound of your breath, your heartbeat; the intelligence that is your body speaking to you in this now moment?
Or perhaps the constant noise; the over stimulation of other people’s opinions, thoughts, lyrics, the daily routine of getting from a to b has become so much that it’s challenging to hear, know and feel the conversation your body is having with the world. The challenge facing many it seems, is the ability to express who you really are in a structure that reports you have to be a certain way.
With constant external stimulation in a world where many leaders are motivated to speak louder than each other through the arteries of marketing and process, what a remarkable feeling and knowing it is to absolutely acknowledge the most humble teacher. Not much needs to be said actually when you know the truth of your heart. Only felt.
The transmission of love is what is most felt and inspiring to all
You know that person who walks into a room and time stands still? Like a magnet people are drawn to, engaged with, wanting more of; there’s a certain sparkle that lifts, an enigmatic desire that’s gifted as their body language speaks their own inherent language of presence. Maybe that person has been you in your most enjoyable, pleasurable truth?
I’m deeply inspired within the inner and outer planes every time I can feel someone who has stayed true to their heart and soul, who is quietly confident. Open hearted. Alive in their body. Knowing. Radiant. Remembering. Savouring. Appreciating. Elevating others. Anchoring into their truth and unique infinite essence of expression without the need for more words or abiding affirmation. Connecting into loving space with their presence for others to discover for themselves their own truth. Why isn’t THIS the norm?
It really is not what it looks like or what you may perceive it has to appear like, but truly it’s what it FEELS like in truth that creates those chords of connection, intimacy, happiness, ease, peace, inspiration, freedom and permission to be.
This week can you orient your consciousness and awareness to the ways you can stay true to who you are and feel your capacity for profound ecstatic joy?? Give yourself permission with your intention and vibration to look for and find those things that feel so good. To express more of yourself from this place. Notice if you can reorganise your relationship to pleasure as sacred and enter into more of your wholeness, your full range of expression with this current of possibility to feel more delight in your life.
Remember your essence and accept the great invitation to dance your own heartbeat, the great orchestration of love. There is so much magic for you to weave in this lifetime as you in your truth, smiling. Let the resonance of your heart be what matters the most.
To shaking your hips to the rhythm of life!